Shwapno i Comilla

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EPZ 1st Gate Road, 3500, Comilla, Comilla District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.4496837, Longitude: 91.1841946

kommentar 5

  • Nur Hossain

    Nur Hossain


    Best market but there beef,fish are quality less you can Avoid that product... Otherwise its ok

  • Mostafa Kamal

    Mostafa Kamal


    Nice super shop. And you will get all necessary things here for your family.

  • Abdul Aziz Patwary

    Abdul Aziz Patwary


    Compared to any other supermarkets of Cumilla region it offers perhaps the best possible service. You can find bits and sorts of all types of products. One of the significant advantages of this super shop on top of others is that their fresh supplies are always fresh and rather cheap. Also, the prices of other goods are not so high as other supermarkets and reasonable.

  • R I K

    R I K


    Good for comfortable household necessaries shopping. Variety of fishes, meats, fruits, vegetables, cosmetics, dairy, stationary, fashion products are available here. Location is very good for EPZ and south chartha People

  • Md Mahmudul Hasan

    Md Mahmudul Hasan


    Fine market in Bangladesh. Here you get everything under one roof. But I gues price is very high than other market. You will get here vegetables, Fish, Meat, Fruits, Rice, flour, salt, Biscuits, toes, different masala, kitchen tools, etc. Their collection is huge. You can bought maximum things here. But price is high than normal market.

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