Shaheen Hall i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshShaheen Hall


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Kafrul, Dhaka, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.7758641, Longitude: 90.3914918

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kazi Abdul Hamid


    Even though Shaheen Hall is located in the heart of the city, it is not that much worth visiting. The hall is often used as community center. Sometimes, cultural functions are arranged here.

  • kazi chapal

    kazi chapal


    Nice and perfect place for gathering. Car parking facility, it has a good wide yard to walk and arrange any mini bazar, hall is with good acoistic. I like their food. Enjoyed the our program in shaheeb hall. Good management n secured.

  • en

    Salman Rahman


    Great wedding hall.. perfectly spacious

  • en

    Siddiqur Rahman Akash


    The place is not so big but still a decent area.. Good parking area.

  • Asif Ahmed

    Asif Ahmed


    This place is very well spacious, good looking, clean. The better the decorations, the better this place will look. It actually run by Bangladesh Air Force, they know how to make a place different than other regular places. The center has enough parking spaces.

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