Shaheed Suhrawardi Indoor Stadium i Dhaka

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BangladeshShaheed Suhrawardi Indoor Stadium


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Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.811602, Longitude: 90.3664444

kommentar 5

  • Md. Sharif Mamun

    Md. Sharif Mamun


    One of the best indoor stadium in Bangladesh and I like the seat quality of this indoor stadium where visitors can enjoy live games like volleyball tournament or indoor cricket match. Last time I watched a volleyball tournament final and our local host team Bangladesh playing the final and the crowd was full and they were shouting and supporting their team that was excellent feeling as a fan so overall the indoor stadium is very good shape.

  • Shihab Ahsan Khan

    Shihab Ahsan Khan


    Fully air conditioned indoor stadium in Bangladesh, located in Mirpur near popular hospital. Excellent place to arrange indoor cricket tournament, Handball, Volleyball tournament. Excellent sitting arrangements & tight security system is ensured.

  • shomail Ataher

    shomail Ataher


    Best indoor stadium of Bangladesh. Very good place for morning walk

  • Akbar Hossain

    Akbar Hossain


    One of the main indoor stadium in Dhaka city. Many international tournaments are organized here. Capacity approximately 4000 maybe.

  • Mohammad S Helal

    Mohammad S Helal


    I love this place. The stadium is very beautiful. The surroundings of the stadium look wonderful. Inner side is also awesome. there are thousands of seats for the spectators. you can beautifully enjoy a program or any event or any kind of indoor games.

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