Shahabuddin Medical College Hospital i Dhaka

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BangladeshShahabuddin Medical College Hospital



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Road No 113/A, 1212, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesch
kontakter telefon: +880 2-9863387
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.7895457, Longitude: 90.4197677

kommentar 5

  • en

    Zahidul Alam


    Shahabuddin Medical College one of the oldest Private Medical College in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was established in 2002 and situated in Gulshan 2. It has beautiful college campus in its own land of 12 storied building having 2,40,000 Square feet. It has 500 bedded running Hospital with outdoor & indoor facilities.

  • Md. Mafujul Islam

    Md. Mafujul Islam


    Shahabuddin Medical College was established in 2002, fulfilling all the guidelines and criteria set up by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council and University of Dhaka. The government has been pleased to give permission for admission of 100 students in pear year MBBS course from the every session. The College has also been affiliated with University of Dhaka and also recognized by Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC). The Shahabuddin Medical College is also enlistment of Medical College in the world directory of medical schools and International Medical Education Directory (IMED) required applying for USMLE examination by ECFMG USA for job/post graduate training USA & North American countries. II. Important future SMC Well-equipped Modern Lecture halls. Air-cooled library with all Modern Facilities. Hostel facilities (Male and Female) Own 500 Bedded full fledged hospital Internship Practical Training Facilities Value-Added Services Unit International Development Unit Male and Female Separate Hostel Canteen Facilities Clinical Skill Facilities Lecture Theatres  Library Computer Faculty Separate Common Room for male and female  Medical Skill Center Student counseling center. Student Assesment

  • Rajib Chowdhury

    Rajib Chowdhury


    This is one of the best Private Medical College in Dhaka, Bangladesh and situated at most prestigious, secured and diplomatic Area of the capital city of Bangladesh as well as heart of the Dhaka City . It has very fabulous built college buildings in its own land of 12 storied building having 2,40,000 sft. It was established in 2003, fulfilling all the guidelines and criteria set up by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council and University of Dhaka. The government has been pleased to give permission for admission of 100 students per year MBBs course for every session.

  • Abdullah



    It has 500 bedded running Hospital with outdoor & senior facilities. It has very good hostel facilities for both local and overseas students and forty percent (40%) seats are available for foreign students.They are locally very appreciated for provding medical treatment and high lebel service to the patient with affordable cost.

  • Md. Moshiur Rahman

    Md. Moshiur Rahman


    Avg. hospital for treatment. May be good as medical college for study.

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