Scholastica Senior Campus Uttara i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshScholastica Senior Campus Uttara



🕗 åbningstider

Plot 2, Road 8 & 9, Sector 1, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-58952753
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.8582721, Longitude: 90.4015281

kommentar 5

  • Mohammed Omar Faruque

    Mohammed Omar Faruque


    It's one of the very best School in Dhaka City.

  • Monzurul islam

    Monzurul islam


    9 side and the kids are come to me for a bit and see if it works is an old one is the kids have their own but it's a lot of my time with md BABUL from you have a chance can

  • Mashiyat Rahman

    Mashiyat Rahman


    One of the best schools in Dhaka, especially for kids from grades 5 to 10. They are very selective about their teachers and staff, so your child will get specialised and individualised attention in terms of growth. Only downside is the expenses associated with actually enrolling your kid into the school.

  • Sow Rov

    Sow Rov


    Used to be one of the best school in Bangladesh, student get access to a good education and facilities to play sports and encouraging to have good impact on the society. An upscale school for the rich but recently the graduates from this school lack the basic skills to speak fluent english and since they are english medium school, Bengali is even weaker. The students are sometimes seen to have an attitude problem, perhaps they need to add an awareness program for the students but since i am not a student there, i don’t know much about their teaching styles. What i do know is that the school needs to have an alternative parking system because during the school hours, the roads get packed with card all going to the school and since they don’t have parking space, cars are parked on the highway. This school should have better and more school bus because it is unnecessary for most students to go to school in their own car and it causes traffic jam everyday during the school hours, in the morning and afternoon.

  • Shafayat Hossain

    Shafayat Hossain


    I do know that this is a great opportunity for students to get chance of studying here. but cost is always a major factor. anyway top level English medium of Bangladesh.

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