Santoor Restaurant i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshSantoor Restaurant



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11(New), 32(Old) Mirpur Road, House-2, Road-32, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-9128737
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Latitude: 23.7518678, Longitude: 90.3775333

kommentar 5

  • Shah Jalal

    Shah Jalal


    I went there for iftar. Food was good with lots of variety. Staffs were well mannered. But price was high. Located in a place, dhanmondi, is cursed with traffic jam. Otherwise the restaurant is remarkable.

  • Mohammed Tawsif Salam

    Mohammed Tawsif Salam


    Location - Good Environment - Very Good Food - Good Staff - Good Parking - Good Price - High Accessibility - Very Good

  • Probir Kumar Goshwami

    Probir Kumar Goshwami


    Famous for delicious, tasty and spicy food. They have some delicious Indian food items with exclusive taste. The inner side of the restaurant in quite and comfortable with soft background music. Good place for family and friend party or dinner. Weekend days are really busy and crowdy. Food are expensive.

  • Shamsul Arefin

    Shamsul Arefin


    A very elegant place. wide parking area. nice decoration and Continental dishes are so delicious . prices are little bit high.

  • GM Shaan

    GM Shaan


    Good ambience. Good table service. The food is good too for the Bangladeshi taste buds but in reality the for does not actually have the authentic smell and taste of Indian food. Trust me. I know Indian food. I grew up with it! But if you forget the Indian part. It is a pretty good place to eat. My only complain.. they misplaced one of my parcel orders

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