RFL Best Buy i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshRFL Best Buy



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Begum Rokeya Avenue, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 9613-737777
internet side: www.rflbestbuy.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.7965504, Longitude: 90.3729534

kommentar 5

  • Hasibur Rahman

    Hasibur Rahman


    You can buy any kind of family accessories than you need in your daily life.

  • Samy Islam

    Samy Islam


    Rfl plastic is a big plastic shop in Dhaka.

  • Akil Mutaseem

    Akil Mutaseem


    Good plactic furnitures

  • SM Shopnil

    SM Shopnil


    This is plastic products world ...A sister concerns of pran rfl group...They are trying to make good quality plastic items

  • Noman Chowdhury

    Noman Chowdhury


    In the world of plastic products, there is a well-established company in Bangladesh and The showrooms of their products are called RFL Best Buy. The company produces products such as Household, Furniture, Cleaning, Stotage, Container, Baby potty, Bath tub, Tiffin box, etc. The company promotes three things for their products. These are Quality, Friendly Envionment and Distribution Network. The value of this company's product is higher than the quality of other plastic companies in Bangladesh, but the quality of the products is good.

nærmeste Stormagasin

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