Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB). i Dhaka

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BangladeshReal Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB).



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National Plaza, 1/G Free School Street, Sonargaon Road, 1205, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +974 7033 7953
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Latitude: 23.7483429, Longitude: 90.3926539

kommentar 5

  • Fuadud Zaman

    Fuadud Zaman


    REHAB: With the number of companies increasing gradually, various problems concerning the housing sector cropped up requiring early solution. At this stage it was necessary to form a trade association of the Real Estate developers to protect the overall interests of the sector. To strengthen the role of real estate sector Real Estate & Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB) was formed with only 11 members in 1991. The objective of REHAB was to promote formal private sector Real Estate Development in Bangladesh. REHAB is the only trade organization of Real Estate Developers with a current membership of 1191 Developers. All major institutionalized Developers are members of this organization. REHAB is also the “A Class” member of the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI). In the recent years REHAB has played a very significant role in nation building through Real Estate Development by its members. The members of REHAB contribute a large amount of revenue to the Government exchequer in terms of Registration Cost, Income Tax and Utility Service Charges. The growth in this sector has also triggered growths in other linked sectors, like – brick industry, glass industry, cement industry, ceramic industry, steel and iron industry, Paint industry etc. REHAB organizes its most colorful annual event REHAB Housing Fair each year in Bangladesh for the member developers, financial institutions and building material providers. It has already successfully completed many Housing Fairs. To foster the growth of Real Estate Sector REHAB plans to organize Housing Fair abroad for the Bangladeshi individuals who are living different countries of the World to buy apartment, land and commercial spaces in their home country. Accordingly, Housing Fair abroad organized by REHAB on USA,UK,Australia,Canada,Italy & UAE.

  • Anjon Ahmed

    Anjon Ahmed


    Rehab is a association of Real Estate developers. its working place or office. Only real estate related or real estate developers related matters discussed there.

  • SMA Sayeed

    SMA Sayeed


    This is an organization for owners of real estate company in Bangladesh.This organization concerned only for the interest of owners not only apartment owners' or landowner's interest.

  • Fai Zal

    Fai Zal


    The decision to use Real Property Management West Valley was a good choice. My wife and I managed our rental properties ourselves for about 5 years and we simply ran out of time realized we needed to hire out a company. RPM West Valley manages two properties for friends of ours so they recomended I call Lisa. In the 3+ years to date that we've worked with them, I've worked with Lisa, Lydia and Mark who have been pleasant,knowledgeable, and prompt to answer our questions. Thanks Lisa, Lydia and Mark!! We have five rental properties in Surprise and Mark's knowledge of this rental market is very sharp. What I like the best about RPM West Valley is that the whole process is extremely detailed and organized. We know when we leave a note in the owner portal for Lisa, Lydia or Mark, we will get a response within 24 hours. We also like their tenant screening process since we were burned in the past when we managed the properties ourselves.

  • Ahmed Sabbir

    Ahmed Sabbir


    With the number of companies increasing gradually, various problems concerning the housing sector cropped up requiring early solution. At this stage it was necessary to form a trade association of the Real Estate developers to protect the overall interests of the sector. To strengthen the role of real estate sector Real Estate & Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB) was formed with only 11 members in 1991. The objective of REHAB was to promote formal private sector Real Estate Development in Bangladesh. REHAB is the only trade organization of Real Estate Developers with a current membership of 1191 Developers. All major institutionalized Developers are members of this organization. REHAB is also the “A Class” member of the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI). In the recent years REHAB has played a very significant role in nation building through Real Estate Development by its members. The members of REHAB contribute a large amount of revenue to the Government exchequer in terms of Registration Cost, Income Tax and Utility Service Charges. The growth in this sector has also triggered growths in other linked sectors, like – brick industry, glass industry, cement industry, ceramic industry, steel and iron industry, Paint industry etc.

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