Power Gym i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshPower Gym



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Pirerbag Rd, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1813-685581
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 23.7903774, Longitude: 90.3752223

kommentar 5

  • Imran Ahmed

    Imran Ahmed


    Full of updated equipment for gym. Excellent services and experienced trainer. Recommended for young people for body building.

  • Aayan's Zumba Fitness Dance studio

    Aayan's Zumba Fitness Dance studio


    Zumba® Fitness™️ Workout

  • en

    Hossain Jakeer


    I Workout With This Gym. Gym Instructor is Helpful for all.

  • Mohammad Rahman

    Mohammad Rahman


    It took three days to finally get registered because the managers (two) do not hold consistent office hours. Once registered, I was lied to regarding the hours of the gym. Also, there is no system of recongnizing a fellow gym member. Since I informed one manager of the establishment I was shorthanded on time, the gym would be available at any hour. However, when I arrived to workout, multiple times during the day and week, (up to three times in a day and four to five times separate times during the week at various hours) and found the gym completely locked up. However, there were members working out and was unavailable to let me in due to a lack of recognizing fellow gym members. I registered for two months and paid the membership joining fee. The total was 1600Tk BD. After experiencing such inconveniences and voicing them to the manager, he was highly reluctant on giving me my money back. It was only until I brought a relative who lives in the area to properly speak with the manager, he gave me my money back. Additionally, he only gave me 1000Tk BD of my initial 1600Tk BD back, even though I did not once use any of the equipment. If you're you are looking for a serious place to workout or improve, and a place with good customer service, you are better off going somewhere else. I ended up taking the rest of the money and buying a few weights near the Cricket Stadium and setting up a pull up bar in between two already made building pillars for less than 800Tk BD and the rest 200Tk BD on travel fare.

  • Naimur Rahman

    Naimur Rahman


    Awesome place,For body building.Good instrument and good trainer.Every one is also very helpfull.

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