Pizza Guy i ঢাকা

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BangladeshPizza Guy



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Kamal Ataturk Avenue, 1213, ঢাকা, ঢাকা জেলা, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1775-885533
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.7937941, Longitude: 90.4048161

kommentar 5

  • tasfia ishrat

    tasfia ishrat


    Good food, good service. They make thin sliced pizza better than thick. Better to eat there than takeaway, as then pizza starts to get dried up till it reaches your home.

  • Ahnaf Adib

    Ahnaf Adib


    We went there and bought 6 pizzas and all of them were surprisingly good. All different pizzas had unique taste. Staff members are well mannered. Sitting arrangement are nicely done, comfortable and looks great too. I am definitely going to recommend them.

  • Sajid Iftekhar Neloy

    Sajid Iftekhar Neloy


    All of their pizza guy special pizza is awesome. Would suggest to avoid other pizzas as they are not worth the price. Service is good but didn't like their constant barter to order other food items. Still worth a visit for their pizzas alone.

  • en

    Christoph Eller


    Super nice restaurant. Western standard, a little bit hidden, take the elevator (9th floor). The pizza was amazing and the best I have had in the last six month in Bangladesh. And I want to mention the polite and friendly staff . Dear pizza guy team go on like this!!!

  • Syed Yaseen

    Syed Yaseen


    Good value for money. Very respectful & customer friendly environment. Their staffs are all well behaved and polite. And the pizzas are simply the best in town. Recommended for people of all ages who are craving for Pizzas.

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