Pioneer Dental College & Hospital i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshPioneer Dental College & Hospital



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Ka-40/1, Lichu Bagan Road, 1229, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesch
kontakter telefon: +880 1711-527740
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.8137224, Longitude: 90.4158356

kommentar 5

  • Md. Hafijul Islam

    Md. Hafijul Islam


    out door service not good enough.

  • en

    damodar ghimire


    Nepali dental student commits suicide in Dhaka Staff Reporter Staff Reporter Published: 19 December 2017, 03:13 PM | Updated: 19 December 2017, 05:22 PM 0? SHARES Nepali dental student commits suicide in Dhaka A Nepali citizen and also a student of Pioneer Dental College (non-government) of Bangladesh Binisha Shah committed suicide on Tuesday. ............................................ In addition to, the questions for the Term-2 exam is being made harder willingly to get more failure student. Subsequent to results, teachers make them pass in exchange of money, amount to 50 to 70 thousand taka. Even today, the term-2 exam was made difficult and the teachers scolded when Binishah wanted to leave the examination Centre for half an hour ago. Binisha might commit suicide in the fear of fail, her classmates complained................ I would like to point out the second paragraph, publisheshed in your national news.the system of your exam is really like that?or something more than this? Please review your system.

  • Ananda Nongmin

    Ananda Nongmin


    First private dental college hospital in Bangladesh. Consequently the name of it is appropriate for this college.

  • Raju Ahamad

    Raju Ahamad


    Best dental college in Bangladesh in private sector. Location is also very convenient. Staffs are very cooperative and helpful

  • en

    Mahmudur Rahman


    One of the best dental college ever. People go there with pain, return with a smile. For better treatment, you must come here.

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