Pickaboo i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Flat B-5 Plot 06 Block SW(H), Bir Uttam Mir Shawkat Sarak, Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 9666-745745
internet side: www.pickaboo.com
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Latitude: 23.774711, Longitude: 90.41595

kommentar 5

  • Azmain Adil

    Azmain Adil


    Have the potential of ruling BD's market in upcoming future. Hopefully, we will get our very own Flipkart/Amazon/Alibaba. Best wishes.

  • Kamrul Hasan

    Kamrul Hasan


    Pickaboo is the largest one-stop shopping destination in Bangladesh. Launched in 2016, the online store offers the widest range of products in categories ranging from electronics to household appliances, latest smart phones, Camera, Computing & accessories fashion, health equipment and makeup. I am very happy to shop from them. Their delivery performance also very good. I bought numerous products from pickaboo and all of them are working flawless. I am also a Pickaboo's Silver club member which enable extra privileges.

  • Saiful Islam

    Saiful Islam


    Very nice office. Well equipped. If you want to collect product from their office,you can come here. Testing facility available after payment. Well mannered agents.

  • neloy saha

    neloy saha


    Well I would love to say that, their welcoming was very warming and about products, u can't simply blame any online stores, they simply help the stores to sell their product via internet, so if the products are bad don't judge them. If you have any issues you surely have the right to claim it and just because I got fantastic products doesn't mean that I will be rating them good. I rated them because of their service which has very fast, the location is very convenient for all and most importantly they are really punctual. The office decoration is even beautiful.

  • Kazi Mamun

    Kazi Mamun


    Service and product is good but their website sucks. Too slow to browse or search the products. They need to improve their site a lot.

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