Palace R i Barisal

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshPalace R


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Bangla Bazar, Barisal, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 22.6909741, Longitude: 90.3599833

kommentar 5

  • Jobayer Ahammed

    Jobayer Ahammed


  • Bonys book review

    Bonys book review


    The place was Really cozy and perfect to spend a lazy evening but the local have polluted the area. And it is a bad place for kids and women because of the local goons. But if you are a challenge taker then you can definitely sit there and enjoy a cup of coffee in the late evening while watching the sunset .

  • Sohrab Hossain

    Sohrab Hossain


    Good and nice place

  • Badal Ainul Islam

    Badal Ainul Islam


    30 Godown area is located in the bank of Kirtonkhola river, Barisal - famous for its long nice embankment goes throughout the east of Barisal city. People enjoys the fantastic river breeze of the Kirtonkhola for a fresh brething from the hectic urban Barisal. Recently City Corporation has taken some good initiative for its beautification to increase the facilities for urban people. Anyone can go for enjoying the charming view of Kirtonkhola river.

  • Jahan Tanni

    Jahan Tanni


    Good place

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