North South University Library i Dhaka

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BangladeshNorth South University Library



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NSU Main Campus Road, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesz
kontakter telefon: +880 2-55668200
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Latitude: 23.8150751, Longitude: 90.4270519

kommentar 5

  • মেহেদী হাসান

    মেহেদী হাসান


    Undoubtedly country's one of the best library with collection of huge journal, international books, magazines & newspapers.

  • Suhel Ahmad

    Suhel Ahmad


    Very enriched library of the best private university of Bangladesh. Background of the Establishment of the University: North South University, the first private university in Bangladesh, was established by a group of philanthropists, industrialists, bureaucrats, and academics. The government of Bangladesh approved the establishment of North South University in 1992 under Private University Act (PUA)-1992, now replaced by PUA-2010. The university was formally inaugurated on 10 February, 1993, by the then Prime Minister of Bangladesh. The Hon'ble President of the People's Republic of Bangladesh is the Chancellor of NSU. Act : Private University Act 1992, now replaced by Private University Act, 2010

  • Brown Fox

    Brown Fox


    So far i have discovered ,this is the perfect place to study.Everyone is so cooperative and helpful.

  • Asimuzzaman mansib

    Asimuzzaman mansib


    This is a library with modern technological facilities and rich resource of books and journals. Process of checking out and checking in of books are very easy and hassle free. The internal reading environment is quiet and the place is very spacious with good air conditioning.

  • Susmita Ghosh

    Susmita Ghosh


    You have the control to reserve & renew books from anywhere, anytime. NSU has been very generous by making a spacious 3 layered library with rich resource of books, magazines, newspapers, journals of every genres. In addition to they reserve archieves, research papers, audio-video records. Moreover they have offered 3types of reading rooms for students, internet connection and other necessary facilities.

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