Musa Khan Masjid i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshMusa Khan Masjid


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Curzon Hall, Dhaka, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-9661900
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Latitude: 23.7267432, Longitude: 90.4007727

kommentar 5

  • Morshed Zubaer

    Morshed Zubaer


    another old architecture 👌 small mosque, but facilitated for both men & women ☺

  • Hasibul Haque Moon

    Hasibul Haque Moon


    An ancient mosque. Looks very beautiful. If you have time, have a visit there.

  • Kawsar Ahmed

    Kawsar Ahmed


    Musa Khan Mosque is one of the few Mughal structures on Bangladesh that stands in the southern part of the country's capital Dhaka. Built in 18th century the mosque holds significant historical values and is named after the son of medieval Bengal's one of the most prominent Baro-Bhuyans, Isa Khan's son Musa Khan. The structure was erected during the Mughal regime in Bengal by the grandson of Musa Khan, Diwan Munwar Khan. The three-domed mosque is currently situated in the University of Dhaka campus, beside Shahidullah Hall and behind the Curzon Hall.

  • Rayhan Rivu

    Rayhan Rivu


    it's a historical mosque.. I found there peace in my soul..

  • en

    Taufiq Rana


    Very old palce.Need to renovate as soon as possible. It should be an archological site

nærmeste Moske

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