Muradnagar Upazila Health Complex i Muradnagar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshMuradnagar Upazila Health Complex



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Hospital Lane, Muradnagar, Comilla District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.6401849, Longitude: 90.9317611

kommentar 5

  • Muhammad Hossain

    Muhammad Hossain


    Very good Palace for health center




    I went there during my childhood. For primary treatment good hospital. the hospital now days improving for the service in many ways as government also get the concentration for this improvement of the hospital but when you guys still need to develop their service upgraded. usually of the poor people and the accident issues in emergencies Asian people also used to go there but people follow the private hospital clinic besides Hospital. Home instructors not available but their try maximum to confirm. Honda of economic status because I used to go there for their salaries for better health care. Government health ministry rules regulations that follows as needed with the best. people's ways to get more involved maths for their Health Care from this hospital to ensure a secure Healthy lifestyle. Is far from the main city but it worked a lot for the generation to generation. it's not showing side from the main road is easy to go there and reach there if people are interested they can save their Hospital contact number to communicate also and they can do better communication for documentation of the patients. government facilities specially EP and the campaign for the most people diseases their followers strongly to recover all current health issues for the disease. Sincerely

  • عبد الله سميع Abdullah Samiya

    عبد الله سميع Abdullah Samiya


    good upazila hospital

  • AR Akib

    AR Akib


    it is most popular complex in the city.

  • Saiful Islam

    Saiful Islam


    This is the big hospital in Muradnagar. This is very helpful for us. there are many qualified doctors in the hospital. people goes there for treatment undoubtedly.

nærmeste Hospital

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