Mohakhali Bus Stop i Dhaka

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BangladeshMohakhali Bus Stop


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Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.7782392, Longitude: 90.3977394

kommentar 5

  • Md Chhafrul Alam Khan

    Md Chhafrul Alam Khan


    It's a one of the City Bus Stop in Dhaka City. You can use this bus stop to catch different kinds of buses from here to go to different kinds of destination. It is very important area in Bangladesh. You can visit this place very easily using the Google map service. Thank you! - Md Chhafrul Alam Khan (RJ)

  • Mk Mokituzzaman

    Mk Mokituzzaman


    Dhaka's Most Important Part is Mohakhali .It's Know By It's Flyover bridge. And It JAM AND Signals.

  • Abdullah Al Mamun

    Abdullah Al Mamun


    This is the main bus station of Bangladesh. From this station all bus start out for different places. This is the biggest bus station of Bangladesh. This is situated at Mohakhali, Dhaka. This is very beautiful bus station. I visited this bus station many times.

  • Shyamal Majumdar

    Shyamal Majumdar


    Most popular and busy bus stop in the middle of dhaka city.

  • Md Murad

    Md Murad


    This is Ena bus counter location is at Fatema plaza with main road nearly Mohakhali bus stand. Full air-conditioning room with seating chair for its passenger. Washroom here for ladies and gents. Very clean and good environment environment with professionalism. Service of this bus lines are good. Timing also maintain by them. Altogether this is very good place and service.

nærmeste Busstoppested

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