Mirpur Girls Ideal Laboratory Institute i Dhaka

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BangladeshMirpur Girls Ideal Laboratory Institute


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Mirpur Road, 1216, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-9003054
internet side: deb108221.dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd
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Latitude: 23.8076894, Longitude: 90.3711942

kommentar 5

  • en

    Atia Sultana


    I am atia sultana in class 3 I read in mirpur girls ideal laboratory institute. It is very good school. The school atmosphere is great. I love this school very much.

  • Md. Noor Islam

    Md. Noor Islam


    One of the biggest educational institutions in not only Dhaka but also in whole Bangladesh. From primary schooling to Master's level education is provided here. Though a girls school, young kids of both genders can study here up to class V. Besides, Bangla version curriculum, this institution provides education in English version up to XII. Though a renowned institution, the standard of education of this institution is being questioned nowadays.

  • Saiful Islam

    Saiful Islam


    Mirpur Girls Ideal Laboratory Institute is a very good place for girls education.Has its own play ground and laboratory. Education they provide is pretty average better than other average schools.The teachers community was really good and friendly and the environment of the college is so much nice and fresh.

  • Jahangir Alam

    Jahangir Alam


    I participate an examination over there. The location is not bad because there is good transportation system. Anywhere can be moved from this location by varies vehicle. It is nearby Mirpur-10, Dhaka.

  • Khairul Bari Tutul

    Khairul Bari Tutul


    It's a very good school for girls. Has its own play ground and laboratory. Education they provide is pretty average better than other average schools.

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