Lavender i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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27, Gulshan North Avenue, 1212, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-8822330
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.7951902, Longitude: 90.4132506

kommentar 5

  • Samir Paul

    Samir Paul


    Good place for buying genuine imported fmcg brands

  • Neshat Fahmed

    Neshat Fahmed


    Biggest retail store in Gulshan area. You may collect all types of necessary products from that shop. Like : fresh vegetables, fish, fruits, beverages, cosmetics, toys, electronics, showpiece, watches, glasses, tools, kids items, and so and so. They have lots of staff to provide the best service to their customers.

  • en

    Tanzila Choudhury


    Ample collection of various products available here. Price is a bit high in case of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables comparing to other supermarkets nearby this one.

  • Md Asif Hassan

    Md Asif Hassan


    Lavender is a supershop.Actually their name is gorgeous but product doesn't.They always say that they sell fresh vegetables but fresh vegetable I couldn't find here.They sell as usual vegetables.Nothing is special.

  • en

    Mohammad Gaffer -E- Alam


    Nice place for shopping. Its a very nice place for marketing every type people. Have also restaurant to take food. Baby, men, women, kids also different type of cloths shoes are available here. All type of cloths here. Also have nice car parking.

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