Islamic University of Technology i Gazipur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshIslamic University of Technology


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Board Bazar, Dhaka- Mymensingh Highway, Gazipur 1704, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-9291252
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Latitude: 23.947261, Longitude: 90.3799325

kommentar 5

  • Mushfiq Rafid

    Mushfiq Rafid


    it is a little piece of heaven... midst the area of gazipur... wonderful university

  • Ahsan Habib Aslam

    Ahsan Habib Aslam


    ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (IUT) A subsidiary organ of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation(OIC) Islamic University of Technology (IUT) is an educational and research institution in Bangladesh run and funded by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The main objective of IUT is to contribute in developing the human resources of the member states of the OIC, particularly in the fields of engineering, technology and technical education. IUT receives direct endowment from OIC member countries and offers scholarships to its students in the form of free tuition, boarding, lodging and medicare. The aesthetic campus was designed by Turkish architect Pamir Mehmet, an MIT graduate

  • imtiaj sreejon

    imtiaj sreejon


    one of the best technology university of Bangladesh. It has a unique culture and strong brotherhood among fellow students which is unparalleled in the country....

  • Anto Khan

    Anto Khan


    One of the International certified islamic university in Bangladesh. well known for engineering departments. it also has its own varsity dorm for limited amount of students.

  • en

    fahmid mannan


    One of the leading Universities for Engineering in Bangladesh. A university that is free from all sort of politics and session jam which is a negative side of much of the prominent Engineering universities of this country. A University that is highly welcoming to the foreign students and enriched of the international quality facilities

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