Hotel Sky Vision i কুমিল্লা

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BangladeshHotel Sky Vision


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Saiba Trade Center, (7th Floor), কুমিল্লা, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1716-806000
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.4614176, Longitude: 91.1828126

kommentar 5

  • Nafis Iqbal

    Nafis Iqbal


    Nice and secure place to stay in Comilla city.

  • Faysal Ahamed

    Faysal Ahamed


    Hotel Sky Vision, You have everything whatever you want. I’ve driven past this place so many times and I finally decided to try it. I travel a lot with work and it always looks like there’s people to meet. I thought they also had accomodation but it seems not so I stayed down the road and walked back. The place seems very clean and the staff (all of them) were absolutely wonderful. So efficient and friendly. In fact the term clockwork comes to mind. Full credit. The food was great though. I’ll definitely be back and the place still had atmosphere. Thanks to all the staff.

  • ATM Mohiuddin

    ATM Mohiuddin


    Simply rubbish...! I can't imagine even how they behave with the boarders...! Very low standard & untrained staffs in the reception they have. I am quite doubt about the standard of the owner of the hotel even...! However, this is not the hotel for any gentleman...!

  • Mohammad Arman

    Mohammad Arman


    They need to provide complementary breakfast besides, all other things are good

  • A Hasnat

    A Hasnat


    One of the best hotel in Comilla city. Room service bad condition, but everything else is not too bad at all. Anyway, I found a safe hotel in a city that is very difficult to find, this is a lot to me.

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