Hotel Holy Gate i Sylhet

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshHotel Holy Gate


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Holy Complex, East Dargah Gate, Sylhet 3100, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1972-552233
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Latitude: 24.9020572, Longitude: 91.8693283

kommentar 5

  • Tahmid Ahmed

    Tahmid Ahmed


    Dirty bedsheets! It had stains on them. The socket next to the bed was faulty and so I couldnt charge my phone next to the bed. The food was terrible and inaccurate. We ordered mutton bhuna (boneless meat) but was given all bones with hardly any meat on it at all! The A/C was very good in the room. Very well mannered staff members. I hope this comment reaches management so that they may take some action to correct these issues to avoid future complaints from customers.

  • Jami Chowdhury

    Jami Chowdhury


    In a cheap rate you can find almost proper service. Their room service is also good, amenities of rooms are not bad. Only one thing they can improve their breakfast menu. They can add 2-3 items like fruit, a glass of juice and a meat item. Overall experience was good...

  • Mortuja Huda

    Mortuja Huda


    Nice environment. Very friendly staffs. good service. good food. nice rooms. happy visiting

  • Saleh Ahmad

    Saleh Ahmad


    Took their executive couple suite. Room condition is very nice. Foods are also very good.

  • en

    M M Rahman


    Perfect for stay with family. Very good service. Restaurant service is also very good. Employees are educated and well behaved.

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