Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College and Hospital i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshHoly Family Red Crescent Medical College and Hospital



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1, Eskatan Garden Road, 1000, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-8313234
internet side: www.hfrcmc.edu.bd
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.7466978, Longitude: 90.4031136

kommentar 5

  • Hasnat Alamgir

    Hasnat Alamgir


    The Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College started its journey in the academic year 1999-2000 by the inspiration of the daughter of the father of the Nation & defender of the democracy Janonetri Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the then Health Minister Sheikh Fazlul Karim Salim MP, Chairman, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society Sheikh Kabir Hossain and all the Doctors and Staffs working in Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital under the leadership of Professor Dr. Md. Maniruzzaman Bhuiyan contributed tremendously to establish the College.

  • en

    Rokeya Rahman


    Doctors are good, but service is bad like public hospital. I'm Dissatisfied. In your necessity, you can't get a pion. Pion are like boss. Intern doctors not give my releasing file because there were no pion at that time for almost 2 hour. Isn't it so rediculous!

  • Ariful lslam

    Ariful lslam


    One of the oldest hospital in the city. good quality doctors are available and very renowned medical college across India, Nepal, Bhutal and Pakistan.

  • Abu Ahsan Mia

    Abu Ahsan Mia


    One of the expensive hospital in Dhaka. But the hospital system is extremely good. Very clean. Good doctor in hear. 24/7 hospital service. Important emergency service. Computer opareted prescription etc. And center of the town are located. But expensive too...

  • Sajed Jalil

    Sajed Jalil


    I had a very bad experience with this hospital. I had a problem of panic disorder with agoraphobia. I was taken to here during midnight emergency. The doctor in charge told that I am drug addict and simply said that give me 3000 money and I will see. When my friends asked him okay what will you do after giving you money? Then he simply replied "nothing, I will keep him in observation until morning". If I was in a condition to be simply left over then I would not go to hospital emergency. The hospital doctors were nonsense. I simply left the emergency then and moved to ad din hospital beside it and finally I was treated with care.

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