Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport i Dhaka

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BangladeshHazrat Shahjalal International Airport


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Airport Road, Sector 1, Kurmitola, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-7911042
internet side: www.caab.gov.bd
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.8434344, Longitude: 90.4029252

kommentar 5

  • titu sharma

    titu sharma


    This airport is the main international airport in Bangladesh. It is big airport, situated in Dhaka. It has International and domestic terminal. Huge number of plane are arrive and depart in 24 hours. Very busy airport it is. Outside view also nice. It is just beside the Dhaka-Mymensing highway road.

  • Joinal Abedin

    Joinal Abedin


    Hazrat Shahjalal (R) International Airport is the main airport of Bangladesh. Although it is the country's important airport, but it does not developed. The governments of many countries of the world are working to develop their airports. But we still can not be modern. Infrastructure has not been developed. But the runway is risk-free. Especially another aspect is noticeable, there are many more mosquito breeds. This can damage our reputation.

  • Md Murad

    Md Murad


    The Best international airport at Dhaka. It is too old and once upon a best airport in South Asia. Location are good. Communication as not well as required for international airport. Security system average. Inside clean and clear. All the things handle with professional and immigration may have to update more and need lot of counter to smooth service. Some portion have to update up to the mark with sincere and faster. Altogether it is very good airport too.

  • mozammal hoq

    mozammal hoq


    shajalal international airport, one of biggest airport in Bangladesh. Today I gone here. all time security available. nice airport. however if you a passengers get a best care. police and others are help you every moment. great you must visit this once. it is awesome..

  • yehia mahmud

    yehia mahmud


    This is the popular and international airport in Bangladesh. It has all type of facility for national air travelling passenger. management good and more concerned to solve problem. We the people like to journey through the air but due to lack of facility like expensiveness and not enough airport in all over the country Now government trying to develop this section very quickly but but due to lack of management it delayed What ever still we love journey by air And also hope this sector will be best way to drive in our country We also be helpful to our government that government policy making easy... Airport expansion also done by this government But this is not a easy tusk to do Airport police and management authority doing excellent job

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