Greenfield School and College i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshGreenfield School and College


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Plot - 3, Block - C, Avenue - 2, Mirpur - 10, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-9010950
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.8075851, Longitude: 90.3736219

kommentar 5

  • en

    Animesh Karmaker


    This is a very good school and college. I read in this school. 16 May there was a Science Fair. I have shared the pictures of the Science project. You can get foods like shingara, roll, juice, jhalmuri, lichi drinks, juice etc. Every year there are many festivals. It also takes to the picnic every year. It also a good place to gossip with guardians(for parents). I like this school very much.

  • Sk Sami

    Sk Sami


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  • Md Mamit

    Md Mamit


    Education quality is good. environment also good.

  • en

    Saju 68


    The best school in mirpur area. I read here in class one. From the begening i became a good student. But then i went to another school. Now i read in class nine. Soon i come here again..

  • Jahangir Alam

    Jahangir Alam


    For good result it's become best institute in Mirpur thana Congratulations

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