Genius Shopping Center i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshGenius Shopping Center



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Ka-24/4/A, Bashundhara Main Road, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-8413280
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.8120482, Longitude: 90.4220938

kommentar 5

  • Zami Zakaria

    Zami Zakaria


    It is a fairly good store. They have been around for a long time . Their price is better than many other shops of similar type. You will find pretty much all grocery and personal care items here.

  • মেহেদী হাসান

    মেহেদী হাসান


    You can find almost everything of your daily needs. Price are same as local shops but I just don’t like behaviour of their stuff. They don’t accept any visa or MasterCard if you purchase few products like less than taka 200 and it’s sometimes really annoying. If you don’t have cash but you need a few things don’t buy from them.

  • Md Chhafrul Alam Khan

    Md Chhafrul Alam Khan


    It's a one of the super hope in this Badhundhara Residential Area. You can visit this shop to buy different kinds of everyday products from here. They have different types of product collection. Perhaps, you will like their collection and services. You can visit this place very easily using the Google map service. Thank you! - Md Chhafrul Alam Khan (RJ)

  • Avishek Kundu

    Avishek Kundu


    Grocery shop. All kinds of daily family needs are available here. Generally, family needs such as, bakery and bread, meat and sea food, pasta & rice, brown rice, oil, sauces, salads, condiments, tomato sauces, mustard, barbecue sauce, Vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, non fat cooking spray, Hot peeper sauces, Cereals and breakfast foods, soups and canned goods, split peas, diced green chillies, Frozen foods, broccoli, spinach, peas, carrots.

  • Rumki Sarkar

    Rumki Sarkar


    A good one. Price is comparatively reasonable. If they include perishable items like fish and veggies, it would be better

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