Fusion Cafe i Comilla

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshFusion Cafe



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1st Floor, S.A Bari Market, Infront Of Police Line School Police Line Road, Police Line, Comilla 3500, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1700-500600
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 23.4659297, Longitude: 91.171264

kommentar 5

  • Mehadi Hasan

    Mehadi Hasan


    It's the great place. So much quite restaurant and there food is too much mouthwatering. Me and my girlfriend are love there food. 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • Mubashshir Naqib Tarafder

    Mubashshir Naqib Tarafder


    Very poor service,took a long time even though we ordered half a day before. Very disappointing performance. They even provided same menu in the name of regular and premium platter where price variation is 120 tk.

  • Shihab Bari

    Shihab Bari


    Good cafe in City and delicious food with reasonable price. But there are much scope in server upgradation. Overall i like their dishes

  • Sabbir Rahman Omei

    Sabbir Rahman Omei


    The best fusion cafe of the city which was once the hot topic of the city. The food quality, decorations and behavior all is good. The foods are a bit higher than others. The location is good for selling. One should visit this place atleast for their tasty drinks like Mojitto or Blue Ocean. It is very popular also!

  • Nafis Fuad

    Nafis Fuad


    Loved the place. Good food and good serving also. Environment is pretty good. Over all satisfactory.

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