East West University Library i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshEast West University Library



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Jahurul Islam Avenue, 1212, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 9666-775577 ext. 235
internet side: lib.ewubd.edu
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.768919, Longitude: 90.4257605

kommentar 5

  • Suhel Ahmad

    Suhel Ahmad


    Background of the Establishment of the University: East West University (EWU), one of the top private universities of Bangladesh, promotes eastern culture and values, and meaningfully blends eastern and western thoughts and innovations. As an institution of higher learning, EWU inculcates ethical standards, values and norms and upholds the ideals of equal opportunity, transparency, and non-discrimination. The primary mission of EWU is to provide, at a reasonable cost, tertiary education characterized by academic excellence in a range of subjects that are particularly relevant to current and anticipated societal needs. Central to the university’s mission is its intention to provide students with opportunities, resources and expertise to achieve academic, personal, and career goals within a stimulating and supportive environment. EWU strives not only to maintain high quality in both instruction and research, but also attempts to render community service through dissemination of information, organization of training programs and other activities. Sensitive to the needs of its students, EWU is committed to providing a responsive and invigorating atmosphere for productive learning and innovative thinking. Act: Private University Act, 1992

  • Mukit Khan

    Mukit Khan


    It is a good library with good collection of books for students only.....the environment of the library is very quiet and nice...most of the time you will find it empty but before the exam it becomes crowded and there's hardly any place left for sit and study.

  • en

    Mukit Khan


    Great institution

  • Shayer Manz

    Shayer Manz


    it is one of the top ranked private university in Bangladesh. It provides quality education. campus is very beautiful with red bricks.

  • Jahir Islam

    Jahir Islam


    Nice place for study and has a moderately good collection. You have to submit you baggage at ground floor before entering though, which sometimes is a bit hassle

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