Diponpur (দীপনপুর) i Dhaka

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BangladeshDiponpur (দীপনপুর)



🕗 åbningstider

230, New Elephant Road, 1205, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1996-502887
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Latitude: 23.7389823, Longitude: 90.3904361

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nussrat Mariam


    Such a nice place. The foods are very tasty and reasonable. and you can read while enjoying food Or without foods.

  • rai sul

    rai sul


    Book collection is ok. The attached Cafe is excellent. But the most excellent thing is you can read books sitting here for free.

  • মিজানুর রহমান

    মিজানুর রহমান


    A bookshop cum cafe, with a large collection of local and foreign books. It has a beautiful settings as well. So, kudos to Diponpur. Long live.

  • en

    Sakib Khan


    A really nice place, small and cozy. Food is good, but kinda expensive. You can read and relax, and enjoy some alone time with yourself.

  • en

    Sharmila Saha


    A great place for reading books and spending a cozy time. Collection can be improved by adding some English literature. I mean the actual ones, not the translations. A bit of noisy in case you want to read books in proper silence. Food is ok. Staff in the food cash counter definitely needs to remember what a person exactly ordered. Otherwise the place is overall nice

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