Dhaka Regency Hotel & Resort i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshDhaka Regency Hotel & Resort



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Mandagåben 24 timer
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Airport Road, 1229, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1713-332651
internet side: dhakaregency.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.82953, Longitude: 90.41944

kommentar 5

  • Emon MoN

    Emon MoN


    We are enjoying buffet dinner. It is really awesome, a quality five star hotel and resort in Uttara, Dhaka. Customer service is excellent here. Foods here are absolutely okay. The environment is very neat and clean!

  • Omar Razak

    Omar Razak


    Stayed a few nights at this hotel. Tremendous value for money. The staff are brilliant, Helpful polite and always smiling. The hotel its self is brilliant. Clean and the food is amazing. The gym has great equipment too. Will definitely be booking again.

  • Ashraful Alam

    Ashraful Alam


    The only thing that is good about this hotel is the breakfast and swimming pool. Their customer service sucks big time. They are helpful till you are booking the room. Once payment is done then the real scenario becomes visible. Manager isn't helpful at all. If you have any request regarding any of the service towards the manager, that has to go through long continuous process and most of the time don't get accepted. There are many other hotels in Dhaka city with better facilities for less price.

  • Asif Ahmed

    Asif Ahmed


    A quality five star hotel and resort in Uttara, Dhaka. Customer service is excellent here. Foods here are kinda okay. There are a swimming pool, a bar, chill zone, dining systems in the rooftop which are the most exciting points at this hotel. The environment is very neat and clean! Rooms are as good as it's supposed to be.

  • en

    Nooman Miah


    Stayed 2 nights. Hotel is very clean. Security is very tight. Hotel staff well behaved and mannered. Breakfast was very good. Only issue was water would not drain quickly enough in the shower cubicle. Did not report it as I was to busy. Used the roof top pool which was good and a reasonable size. Overall good experience and I would stay again if they give me a good rate per night.

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