Dhaka Metropolitan Police Headquarters i Dhaka

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BangladeshDhaka Metropolitan Police Headquarters


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36, Minto Road, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-8614300
internet side: dmp.gov.bd
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Latitude: 23.7436153, Longitude: 90.4047849

kommentar 5

  • obaed ulla

    obaed ulla


    Metropolitan Police is a specialized unit of Bangladesh Police. There are six unit in six metropolis area in Bangladesh. This unit was formed in 1976 by establishing of Dhaka Metropolitan Police.

  • Md Monir Hossain Teto

    Md Monir Hossain Teto


    Dhaka Metropolitan police (DMP) came into being on 1st February 1976. Now, the total number of police station is 49. It is head quarter of Bangladesh police. Nicely renovated this building now its looking good.

  • Mominul Hoq

    Mominul Hoq


    One of the most beautifully adorned offices of Bangladesh Police. This is situated at Mintu road closer to Mogbazar moor. The Dhaka Metropolitan Police Commissioner sits in the office. The metropolitan is managed and coordinated by the officers from this office by the officers employed in different offices under this headquarter of Dhaka Metropolitan Police.

  • Probir Kumar Goshwami

    Probir Kumar Goshwami


    Head quarter of Dhaka metropolitan police. A well maintained , good looking and highly secured and guarded government office.

  • Md Mottalib

    Md Mottalib


    This is the largest railway station in Bangladesh. It has all type of facility for rail passenger. But management should be more concerned to solve problem. We the people like to journey through the train but due to lack of facility and not enough railway station in all over the country Now government trying to develop this section very quickly but but due to lack of management it delayed What ever still we love journey by train And also hope this sector will be best way to drive in our country We also be helpful to our government that government policy making easy... Railway station expansion also done by this government

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