Denso CNG Filling Station Ltd i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshDenso CNG Filling Station Ltd



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Dhaka - Aricha Highway, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1827-377357
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.7824118, Longitude: 90.3506559

kommentar 5

  • Rashed Mahmud

    Rashed Mahmud


    nice place with heavy traffic all the time.This place one of the busiest place in Dhaka city. You will find a huge traffic jam here. most disgusting thing is sound pollutions. Oh My God. there is a great sound pollution near the road. if you go little inside of the area you will find a over populations and lots of high rise building there. the place is old place and you will find some enjoyment too. there are some restaurants too. you will find both cheap and costly food there. the place is above all awesome. I personally like it because of it's variety.

  • en



    good high pressure cng pump

  • Alimur Rahman Shufal

    Alimur Rahman Shufal


    One of the busiest refuelling station of this area

  • Shameem SAH

    Shameem SAH


    Huge space for filling gas only for your vehicle..... And so far quality also good

  • Zahirul Islam

    Zahirul Islam


    Gas Pressure Is optimal and most of the time remains in between 2000 to 3000psi!

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