BOF High School i Dhaka Division

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshBOF High School


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Shimultoly Road, Gazipur District, Dhaka Division, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1715-180040
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Latitude: 24.0336773, Longitude: 90.4178238

kommentar 5

  • en

    Muhammad Jaid Hasan


    It's a good place for studying with good environment.It provides education only in Bangla medium from class Nursery to class X.It's a combined school.Children of BOF residentials as well as from other areas come here to get primary and secondery level education.

  • Tasnim Jui

    Tasnim Jui


    A combined high school with a great view.

  • Asheq Elahi

    Asheq Elahi


    Good schooling and better neighbourhood made this school different then others. Students get not only education but also some creative extra-curriculum activities to grow their mind. Guardians feel safe here as it is surrounded by well secured places. And they feel more safe as their children get proper education for better future. My believe is that this school will hold good position on education within near future with it's competitors.

  • en

    saiduzzaman sakibe


    I love this place

  • فرحان باشا

    فرحان باشا


    While it's a moderately good school, they claim to be International which is probably not true. Kids of the Cantonment are allowed to come here in afternoon to place. For people who live around here, it's unfortunate for them because it gets very loud in the morning

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