Bestliving Properties Ltd i Dhaka

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BangladeshBestliving Properties Ltd



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Ka-9, Bashundhara Road, 1229, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesch
kontakter telefon: +880 1755-511174
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Latitude: 23.8121194, Longitude: 90.424308

kommentar 2

  • Bestliving PropertiesLtd.

    Bestliving PropertiesLtd.


    Bestliving Properties is one of the most honest real estate developers in Dhaka along with their high quality development materials and extreme supervision for the quality control. They have been established since 2012 and has completed almost 3 projects with meticulous care and has proudly handed over some. Bestliving is prestigious developer exclusively based on Bashundhara R/A, a residential area near Baridhara. They have taken on their 4th project which is kind of a luxurious and exclusive among all the other ones. A 50 feet long swimming pool along with Jacuzzi and gymnasium, sports zone having pool and Table tanis and children play zone. It also has a facility of Sauna and Steam bath at its basement entertainment zone. This project is made fully earthquake resistant structure with an extraordinary 125 feet pile foundation. Bestliving ensures the building construction quality and also serve the 21st century demand for the happy clients. With a very competitive price they have won the heart of their clients and always look for limited qualitative projects. Almost all the projects they have in south facing corner plot and beside 60 feet wide road. I would highly recommend Bestliving for any one looking for an apartment in a prestigious area.

  • hasan habib

    hasan habib


    An honest, sincere and quality real estate company developing residential building at Bashundhara R/A in Dhaka.

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