Ashta Banjan i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshAshta Banjan



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257/8 Elephant Rd, Kataban Dhal, Dhaka 1235, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1915-961142
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Latitude: 23.7370709, Longitude: 90.3898369

kommentar 5

  • Mahmudul Hasan

    Mahmudul Hasan


    Very good quality food with cheapest price in that area. Their grill chicken is one of the best.

  • rai sul

    rai sul


    Good for Shik Kabab, ok for Grilled Chicken, of Iftar Platter.

  • Ayon Mohaimen

    Ayon Mohaimen


    A popular restaurant among students in Dhaka university - BUET area. Major food is the afternoon Chicken Grill with naan bread. don't forget to ask out the grill spices for free with the grill. Their shik kabab is also pretty good. You can have full meals in lunch and dinner. The interior is not good though. It's too dark and the seating arrangement is not very comfy. The washroom and hand wash is out in the open. Overall, good if you're just looking for food.

  • Ariful lslam

    Ariful lslam


    a good place for food lover but not good environment. very dark environment is ghostly like, serves good, food delivery is average.

  • AD Daz

    AD Daz


    One of the good restaurant in this area but I must say its not the best.. Place is not so spacious..crowded.. Air conditioning system doesn't work properly.. Grilled and kabab item is good but they dont provide sauces or mehnis with that..this is annoying.. duck item is pretty good.. And serving is not so good as well as cleanliness.. Overall its okay..

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