Apex Shoe Store i Dhaka

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BangladeshApex Shoe Store



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Apex Shoe Store (Basundhara City L-7), Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1774-813570
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Latitude: 23.7511669, Longitude: 90.3905524

kommentar 5

  • Mohammad Jahangir Alam

    Mohammad Jahangir Alam


    Very nice, big and awesome shoe store in Dhaka city area. They accept hard cash, debit or credit card for purchasing. Kids, male or female they make shoes for all. Besides shoes they sale wallet, ladies parts, bag, shocks and belt item also. Internal decoration of outlets are very nice.

  • Nazmul Huq

    Nazmul Huq


    It's a nice shoe store. specious area and interior decoration is attractive. variety of design both ladies and gents shoe available here. all sales man are well behaved. quality of shoes are very good. all are genuine leather made. it's a BangladeshiI brand shoe store. there are many branches aroun the dhaka city.

  • Arthoniteer Kagoj

    Arthoniteer Kagoj


    “APEX” means the peak or the zenith. Since 1975. Journey of Apex Footwear Limited started more than two decades ago, from the inspiration of leather business & later curving its’ way into shoe making. As the largest shoemaker in the subcontinent, our company holds 15% share of leather footwear export in Bangladesh from $1.1 billion leather export. Shoe making being a highly labor intensive job, our company is home to 5500 workers mostly women to make stylish leather shoes. Our shoe design inspiration is taken from latest international footwear trend. The influence is then converted to sophisticated leather shoes by in-house Italian & Taiwanese designers. Being a footwear giant, its’ our responsibility to be a role model in developing people and helping environment. Our core values is set with the belief of valuing people through continuous development & making a path for higher achievements.

  • M K Pasha Khan

    M K Pasha Khan


    This is the biggest outlet of Apex. Huge variety of products are being displayed & sold here. This mall will give the customers to find out the perfect shoes from the available models. Apex is one of the most prominent footware & fashion brand of Bangladesh who has chain malls all over the country, they also export footware to number of countries including Italy. Beside footware, they also sell fashion accessories, garments items, etc.

  • Kazi Nazrul Fattah

    Kazi Nazrul Fattah


    One of the largest outlets of the popular footwear brand Apex. This store is very well organised, spacious and has a huge collection of men's, women's and children's footwear. Price range varies from very affordable to highly expensive. Recently they have also started selling men's clothing which is also of very good quality.

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