Agora Super Shop i Chittagong

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshAgora Super Shop



🕗 åbningstider

1/A, Bayazid Bostami Road, 4000, Chittagong, Chittagong District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 9612-311172
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.3617259, Longitude: 91.8271378

kommentar 5

  • Sf Khan

    Sf Khan


    Largest Shopping Chains in Bangladesh n Chittagong has only one Shop... Owned By Very Famous Rahimafrooz Group.

  • Asif Mikdad

    Asif Mikdad


    Agora is one of the most popular supermarket in chittagong. You can find so many products in this shop. It is very neat and clean and stuffs are very decent. I love this shop.

  • kazi riasat

    kazi riasat


    One of the decent super shops of Chittagong city in a very convenient location. The products they sell are decent in quality, overall customer service is decent but it could be improved much more. Price of some products are little higher than any other places, specially imported food items.

  • Imran Hossain

    Imran Hossain


    Agora is one of the best Departmental Store in chittagong. They own couples of branches is dhaka also. It is the largest retail shop in city. You can get large varieties of products from daily need to special needs., Fresh products, bakery items. Their collection is huge.

  • A. H. M. Abdullah Chowdhury

    A. H. M. Abdullah Chowdhury


    Huge variety of products. Attractive offers. Shopping atmosphere is much better. Staff behaviour is also good.

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