Jamuna Future Park i ঢাকা

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BangladeshJamuna Future Park



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Road No. 15, ঢাকা, ঢাকা জেলা, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.8133818, Longitude: 90.4244476

kommentar 5

  • Swarup Amit

    Swarup Amit


    best place for shopping. loaded with branded showrooms. well organized and well maintained. excellent environment. neat and clean.

  • Syedur Rahman

    Syedur Rahman


    Loved this place. Mega mall in dhaka. they have almost every facilities in general a person's required. Huge parking facilities, segmented by four zones with colour and every individual parking has separate number. Shops are segmented floor wise and almost every brand available in Bangladesh exist here.

  • en

    Eshraf Ahmed


    A very big market place. Anyone will enjoy shopping there. Variety of shops are available. The good thing is that, products qualities are good. You'll have options to select from many. Food shops are also good. But prices are quite high. A huge parking place for vehicles. I hope anyone will enjoy who ever will come for shopping...

  • en

    Zaved Hossain


    It's a big place but not usually that crowded. Unlike the other not able shopping mall of the city, it's at a better place in respect to traffic, parking is large and I never had problems to find a spot. All major local fashion houses are there. Presence of international food chains (Burger King, Pizza hut, KFC) is a big plus. But be a bit careful about your whereabouts, it's a huge place and easy to get lost though they have maps at places. But maps are not carefully planned and not helpful all the time. Same goes for parking, note your colour zone and parking spot ID before leaving and always try to park near a lift or note which lift is the nearest (they do have lift numbers) There are bowling alleys, game arcades and an adjacent amusement park. Not bad to spend a few hours with friends and family.

  • Mehedi Hasan Tuhin

    Mehedi Hasan Tuhin


    Largest shopping mall in Bangladesh, it's also one of the largest shopping mall in south Asia region. Lots of prominent Brand's are found here.More or less everything found here. Big Food court, Kids park, Digital Cinema Hall, game zone and bowling zone found at level-5.You will found Good Shopping experience from here.

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