Fantasy Island, Diabari, Uttara i Dhaka

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BangladeshFantasy Island, Diabari, Uttara



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Uttara 3rd Phase Connecting Road, Diabari Sonargaon Janapath, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesch
kontakter telefon: +880 1841-242717
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.8736826, Longitude: 90.3726339

kommentar 5

  • Supratip Ghose

    Supratip Ghose


    It is located outskirt of Dhaka city, yet they make it a lucrative place to visit. However, it's expensive for the common people. Authorities should provide variations and could arrange more entertainment that would ensure cultural value to child den

  • en

    Md. Shofiqul Karim


    Fantasy Island is an entertainment park very near to Dhaka city which is located at Diabari (Uttara 3rd phase). Although the park area is not large enough, the rides are arranged very systematically. It is a best place for all age amusement or entertainment. Party can be conducted here also. Coffee shop and resturant is present in this park.

  • Salsabil Aurnob

    Salsabil Aurnob


    A very good place to hang out with family and friends. Nice ambient environment. But the problem seems to me is, all the rides they are using seems to me are backdated and old. It means, it were used in a different place before. And I saw even a cracked one. Which could be fatal. So be careful while taking the rides. Otherwise a good place.

  • A K M Shaidul Bashar

    A K M Shaidul Bashar


    excellent place for will finds their absolute childhood in this place. but this is quite far from the locality. different and adventurous rides are the key features of the island, but not enough in recent era.I think this place is too much expensive for the middle class people.overall this could be a very impressive breathing space near uttara for your kids. they will enjoy a good time.

  • Kamrul Islam Siddique

    Kamrul Islam Siddique


    Not 1st time I went there several time because of easy transportation from Uttara and for their indoor facilities. I love to go there at evening as I have some familiar management there, they allow me even at night time. Almost I wanna give top ranking for the Swimming pool, it's in nice view, very clean, maintaining water treatment daily. Also the restaurant food is fantastic. Recently they started Theater that not too much decorated but good I think. Children can enjoy lot of rides there, also the parents can have the funs. It's secured and providing family environment...

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