Skamco CNG Station i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshSkamco CNG Station



🕗 åbningstider

Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +88
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Latitude: 23.8126464, Longitude: 90.3672728

kommentar 5

  • Al Mamun

    Al Mamun


    Fuel type - Natural Gas (Pressure is good). Surrounding - Convenient. Need to wait in line - Regular. Service quality - Good. Attitude of the stuff's - Ok. Fire safety - As per standard. Payment system - Cash. Toilet Facility - Available. Quick snack Facility - Not Available. Overall rating - 8/10.

  • Al Aqil Suhan

    Al Aqil Suhan


    It's a CNG Station of Navana Group of Bangladesh. It's CNG quality is better than other CNG Pump or satation. It is located at Mirpur 11 near Mirpur Bangla High School.

  • shomail Ataher

    shomail Ataher


    Good & Reliable Place for CNG

  • Sadman Ishrak

    Sadman Ishrak


    Great service. They do not have much line in morning. They have quite a good pressure of gas so your time will not be wasted here. You should try taking gas here for your vehicle. If you drive a bus or truck then you should refrain yourself from going here. As this place isn't too big for large vehicles.

  • Muntaseer Rahman

    Muntaseer Rahman


    This CNG station is at Mirpur opposite to the Mirpur Indoor stadium. It is not that big. I haven't seen that much big of a car line here.

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