Pizza Place i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshPizza Place



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House 35, Road 4, Block C, Banasree Rampura, Dhaka 1219, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 839-9888
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Latitude: 23.7623108, Longitude: 90.4306877

kommentar 5

  • ishraq



    Terrible pizza. I ordered fried chicken after that. Chicken blood came gushing out. Disgusting

  • S. M. Shamayun Firoz

    S. M. Shamayun Firoz


    very nice and great environment

  • Travellar_ Mahabub

    Travellar_ Mahabub


    It is one of the oldest restaurant in Banasree project. It very popular for pizza.

  • Shakil Tanbir

    Shakil Tanbir


    I bought two pizza from here yesterday. I have never had such worse pizza in my entire life. I wonder if the owner or chef had visited pizza hut ever.. I do not expect the taste to be even close, but they should know what is called pizza, they are selling something else to the same of pizza.

  • Md Mohibur Rahman

    Md Mohibur Rahman


    I don't know what to say, worse pizza I had ever in my life. The place its pretty organised but people whoever working there, they should stay in the kitchen or their area not next to the customers sitting in the table with noise.

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