Orange Half Cafe i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshOrange Half Cafe



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186, Bir Uttam Mir Shawkat Sarak, Tejgaon - Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka 1208, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-8879251
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Latitude: 23.7699622, Longitude: 90.4064593

kommentar 5

  • Mahfuzur Rahman

    Mahfuzur Rahman


    Good taste & good place. Lil cozy

  • Iftekhar Priyom

    Iftekhar Priyom


    This is a good place for quick bites. You can have variety of snacks here. After 7 pm you will get 50% off on maximum items. The best part of this place they sell everything fresh. Thats why after 7pm they give discount to sell all left over. You can also find cookies and cofee here. The place has sober interior too.

  • Mehnaz Ahmed

    Mehnaz Ahmed


    Not suitable for regular visits but a good place to have a quick chat. Coffee tastes good and you can't expect cheaper price in a location like this.

  • Amit Ansary

    Amit Ansary


    This place is small. Friendly and welcoming staffs. Coffee is average. If you want to spend aome time after your work or freshen up than you can have a coffe here. Decoration is. But not good for grpups of friends. Price is lil bit expensive. Sandwiches are good in taste but COLD.

  • Arafat Hassan

    Arafat Hassan


    Excellent coffee lineup with lots to choose from hot and cold beverages. Coffee is good and price is ok (200+- for a coffee) as per quality. They also make delicious cookies, sandwiches and quick bites. Good food, fresh and hygienic and skilled staff. For a coffee or quick bite don't think twice! Seating is limited, not adequate for big groups. Good for takeaway.

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