North South University Cafeteria i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshNorth South University Cafeteria



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North South University Parking Road, 1229, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-55668202
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Latitude: 23.815096, Longitude: 90.4265504

kommentar 5

  • en

    arpan goswami


    The quality is getting worst day by day...the authority should take necessary steps as soon as possible

  • saklain nazmul

    saklain nazmul


    Here you can get different kinds of foods. Which will remove your hunger and give a good satisfaction of taste at the same time

  • Shahrear Shifat

    Shahrear Shifat


    This place is a nightmare for the students of NSU. There are no real monitoring for the hygiene factors and safety of the students health. All the shops are charging more than the quality they are providing. May that's because they are also paying more for the stalls. As an alumni and current MBA student I am requesting NSU authority to look after this matters.

  • Masudur Rahman

    Masudur Rahman


    Worst place. Just for adda. Don't take highly priced food.

  • Rabbani Rasha

    Rabbani Rasha


    If you want to be banged in your ass and ruin your most crucial time for your career, North South University is the perfect place for admission. Its best to study abroad with the money you will need to pursue a degree from this place.

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