Mitsubishi Motors Bangladesh i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshMitsubishi Motors Bangladesh



🕗 åbningstider

215, Bir Uttam Mir Shawkat Sarak, 1208, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 9666-704704
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Latitude: 23.7699326, Longitude: 90.4095796

kommentar 5

  • Yasir Arafat

    Yasir Arafat


    Its awasome

  • Mashfiq Ahmed

    Mashfiq Ahmed


    Great dealership for Mercedes Benz machines with a state of the art workshop.

  • en

    Hasina Mamtaz eva


    Rangs properties is selling in millions....that are Damped and Termite full properties....banglae bole ULOO r damp er bangla janina....ask them they are the experts..their Banani and GULSHAN projects are best examples of ULOO n Damp....i wil post photos....when they hand over or take over they dont take responsibility for anything....its your life u suffer....i hav suffered from skin problems because of Ulooo....the great Rangs properties should b banned coz they are worse than Korail bosti.....ask my chinta Bua.....

  • en

    Ariful Bashar


    Love their creation. Corporate office is also nice.

  • Ohidul Odud

    Ohidul Odud


    Rangs Properties Limited is a leading property developer of modern buildings that are the representations of architecture and quality product at its best. They started their journey in 1996 and since then, thay have relentlessly pursued “Creating Lifestyles” without compromise. After more than a decade of thriving achievements, Rangs Properties Limited is now an established name in the world of real estate and construction. Rangs Properties Limited looks beyond the physical and geographical domains and its scope extends way beyond just building four concrete walls. They address the ever-changing trend and need of a transitional urban city. Our commitment to the society and country is to shape up a community that knows and acknowledges a lifestyle that is not limited to only living; but a lifestyle that solely concentrates on superior standard of living.

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