Elite Car i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BangladeshElite Car



🕗 åbningstider

Road 15, House 4 , 2nd Floor, Block D, Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1973-334446
internet side: www.elitecarbd.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 23.792636, Longitude: 90.404571

kommentar 5

  • F Azim

    F Azim


    Elite car is a reliable and 100% service oriented Rent a Car Company in Bangladesh. Their hassle free rent system is Ideal for any corporate as well as individuals in every way.

  • Monsta Raf

    Monsta Raf


    I wonder how many of these reviews are from genuine customers. Can anyone tell me what the cost would be for a minivan (7 seater car) with AC? _ If the price is right, I am looking to book for 2 weeks family holiday from Uk. (PS: I only gave 1 star because otherwise I cannot post this comment. If someone from the company can reply back - I will change to 5 stars for quick customer service.)

  • en

    Rifat Zarin


    They are a bit too pricey for me. Service is commendable.

  • supratik bhattacharjee

    supratik bhattacharjee


    At the beginning everything would be ok but at the end of the tour they will squeeze a huge amount of money from you. Beware of booking hotels through them, you would become a lifetime loser.

  • Kamrul Islam

    Kamrul Islam


    Elite Car (BD) is well Known Rental Car Service provider. In Bangladesh their Goodwill is very High. I have taken their Services and got 100% Satisfaction about their Commitment. Next time I will take their services when will be needed.

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