Dhanmondi Government Boys' High School i Dhaka

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BangladeshDhanmondi Government Boys' High School


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27, Mirpur Road, 1207, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 2-8159223
internet side: www.dgbhs.edu.bd
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Latitude: 23.757718, Longitude: 90.3752303

kommentar 5

  • Dolan Roy

    Dolan Roy


    Dhanmondi Government Boys' High School is a public boys' school located in Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is a state run educational institution located at the intersection of Mirpur Road and Manik Miah Avenue. It's EIIN: 107960.

  • Sohanul theOctOpus

    Sohanul theOctOpus


    Govt. Boy's School located in Dhanmondi area near Asad Gate and corner of Manik Mia Avenue. It is a public school only for boy's. It's main building condition very bad.

  • Bashir Ahmed

    Bashir Ahmed


    Dhanmondi Government Boys’ High School (DGBHS) is a public boys’ school. Location of this school is in Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh. BIM is located Just beside this School. It is a educational institution at the intersection of Mirpur Road and Manik Miah Avenue. The school enrolls students from class (grade) 1 to 10. The school operates in two shifts. Those are morning and day. In morning shift, there exists one section from class 1 to class 5. There also two sections from class 6 to class 10 in morning shift. In day shift, there are three sections from class 6 to class 10. There is no opportunity to study in day shift from class 1 to class 5. On average of 60 students has in each section. Every year nearly 300 students appear in the SSC, JSC and PEC examination. History of Dhanmondi Government Boys’ High School: Since 1965 the school follows the SSC curriculum in Bengali medium.

  • Raju Riddho Dey

    Raju Riddho Dey


    Dhanmondi Government Boys' High School(DGBHS) is a public boys' school located in Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is a state run educational institution located at the intersection of Mirpur Road and Manik Miah Avenue. It's EIIN: 107960. The school was established in 1965 in then East Pakistan now Bangladesh and follows the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) curriculum in Bengali medium. The school enrolls students from class (grade) 1 to 10. The school operates in two shifts : morning and day. In morning shift, there exists one section from class 1-class 5 and two sections from class 6-class 10. In day shift, there are three sections from class 6-class 10. There is no opportunity to study in day shift from class 1 to class 5. Each section has average 60 students. Every year about 300 students appear in the SSC, JSC and PEC ( PRIMARY EDUCATION COMPLETION ) examination, with about three-fourth in science group, and the rest in commerce group.

  • Tanjir islam

    Tanjir islam


    It's a government school and one of the famous school in Bangladesh. It's only for the Boys. It's located at Dhanmondi. Many famous people are come out from this school and it has a great role in our country. As a government school it is not a costly but honourable.

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