Bangladesh Road Transport Authority - BRTA Mirpur i Dhaka

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BangladeshBangladesh Road Transport Authority - BRTA Mirpur



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Dhaka Metro Circle 01, Mirpur Section-13, Mirpur, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1966-622029
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.8053088, Longitude: 90.3746083

kommentar 5

  • Subroto Kumar Shill

    Subroto Kumar Shill


    Very lengthy process. All employee are working with no goal. They make people in loop instead of solving problems. I felt like fool I wasted 2 days to find out what I am doing. It was heavy rain. Then I realized I might need help.... rest of became history.... God bless them....

  • Mohammad Abdus Sattar

    Mohammad Abdus Sattar


    BRTA one of the most important office in mirpur, Dhaka. Its a government organization. All owner come here to registration their vehicles. you have to go there in bus or cng or private vehicle. broker are available here before but now there system are improved. all kind of vehicle registration work here like new vehicles, recondition vehicle, truck, bus, covered van, motorcycles, private car etc. vehicles fitness, tax token, re-registration, owner transferring also here and renewal vehicle fitness, tax token, route permit papers work also here.

  • Rejaur RAHMAN

    Rejaur RAHMAN


    The office is still full with brokers. Though they improved a lot. But it should be more friendly office with better environment. Off-course broker free.

  • en

    Asad Jaman


    It's a nice place. Trees make the place so nice. I've visited many times for different reasons. But the service is not satisfactory as the wrong doer available their anything is possible by the help of few corrupted employees. It's need more man power to complete a mount of tasks. Many people are are coming everyday with their work but they have to wait for a long time. If you have anything to do here you can visit first their websites then you can understand what you need to do for your task. Though few people are helpful but peon gourd and Dalals are always try to fall people in their traps. Do don't contact with them do your work by yourself.

  • Saiful Islam

    Saiful Islam


    Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) was established under section 2A of the Motor Vehicle Ordinance of 1983 and the subsequent 1987 amendment. It has functioned since January 1988. BRTA is a regulatory body to control, manage and ensure discipline in the road transport sector of Bangladesh, as well as to maintain road safety. It works under the Ministry of Communication to carry out the purposes set out for it under the Motor Vehicle Ordinance.The Chairman is the chief executive of BRTA. He is in charge of fulfilling the purposes of BRTA as prescribed by the rules and assigned by the government.

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