Anjan's i Dhaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Pragati Avenue, Dhaka, Dhaka District, BD Bangladesh
kontakter telefon: +880 1678-644169
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Latitude: 23.8138543, Longitude: 90.4239003

kommentar 5

  • Mohammad Jahangir Alam

    Mohammad Jahangir Alam


    nice clothing shop

  • Avishek Kundu

    Avishek Kundu


    Very well known ready made garments shop in Dhaka city. They have many showroom & outlet at different different places in Dhaka city. Mostly anjan's is very famous for their Deshi product. Men & women both wear is available here. Formal & casual both products are available here. Formal products such as Shirt, pant, Watch, Shoe, Belt, wallets etc. Casual products such as t shirt, polo shirt, casual shirt, half shirt, fotuaa, panjabi, trouser, half pant, Saree , women's cloths etc. Usually, all ages products with different size are available here. Anjan's is very famous for their Punjabi. Mainly anjan's produces festive product. In different different festival( Eid, Pohela Boisakh, Durga Puja ) they produce different types of product.

  • Sayem Hossain

    Sayem Hossain


    Local boutique brand

  • Ryan Bappy

    Ryan Bappy


    not happy with the panjabi collection they have. most of them are pretty much of the same design. could be their signature design but really hated it. liked those sherwani they got. ignore the poor English, I'm not in the mood for some rich English! 😂

  • Maidul Islam

    Maidul Islam


    Good traditional and non traditional Bangladeshi clothing store chain. Diversity in design and content. Quality is also good.

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